Monday, July 20, 2009

iAM a sister && iAM ready to go back to school!

Okayy; so todayy i got slightly agitated by the fact that everything I do is reflected by my little sisters. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, but sometimes it gets really hard, because I feel like everything that I do is being watched && imitated. My middle sister is usually the one who's having a hard time separating her age from my age? She thinks that she can do tha same things I do, but she CAN'T; so that's kind of hard to deal with from time to time. My parents are constantly reminding me of how important it is that I do the right things around them, so that they I can lead by example. I guess it only gets complicated because I forget how young they are. But overall I absolutely love my little sisters, I wouldn't trade them for tha world && even though I am constantly teaching them things, they are also always right there behind me teaching me something new about myself on a daily basis. I hope that one day, they decided that they want to do tha "positive" things that I do in life. && not follow tha not so nice things that i've done every now && then....

colored smiley faces Pictures, Images and Photos
On another note; suprisingly iAM very ready to go back to school?! like most people would think I'm crazy for sayin that but I am sooo very serious. I think it's because this is tha summer where I'm trapped, because I don't have a car, && this is tha 1st summer where all of my other friends do. They're free to go && do what they please, while I'm at home! Tha Other thing that is probly making me a little anxious is tha fact that this is my last year of skool. Everybody says don't rush your time away though; so i'm just gunna chill on that note. I'm sure that tha only thing that's making me so ready to go back to skool is tha shopping part of it! Once skool starts I'll prbly be ready for it to be over all over again; Until Next Time <333