Tuesday, August 11, 2009


aiight BOSS; there is like crazy rumors goiin around my city that nicki minaj is comin to our town to sign autographs && what not; honestly i have no clu if this is tru or not? i hope it is tho...but anyways i was surprised when i heard this interview because yuu don't hear alott of female rappers sayiin that it's NOT cool to have sex with every guy yuu meet? && nicki minaj def. agrees with me when iSay that beiin a dayum freak is nottttt ca-ute at alll! so watch this!* && to anybody who dosen't no how to control ya sex life...."step ya cookies upppppp! mkayy?" cuz beiin out here is not HOTTT; ask minajjj! (luhv herrrr)

now, not only is nicki minaj a BOSS she does this live ass thing where she makes up her own words && stuff?! like i think one of tha most important things for chicks ta know is to BE YURSELF?! like BE ORIGINAL! as in stop coppin everybodies && swagg an juss relaxx and be who yuu are, cuz honestly nobody likes tha chixx that juss follow everything they see??? she's always talkiin about all tha little barbies && kens... lol; so iAM declairing myself BOSS barbiie of tha day, tha week, tha month, tha year && furthermore; ya knooo; iAM my own person && i Kno how to separate myself from tha bullshxt! take it from me, [REAL] is ca-ute...

Monday, August 3, 2009

iAM tha 3rd Place Winner For Pastry's Good Deeds of tha month! :)*

Heyyy, Hey, Hey! I haven't blog in a lil minute because surprisingly iHave been busy busy busy! Let's just say i've been on my grind! lol; no but seriously! i was super excited to recieve my pastry's in tha mail on thursday! I entered a contest on their official website && all i had to do was explain why I am a Pastry Girl! I won 3rd Place out of 6 People; && i was pretty hype that I won a pair of shoes. The shoes are HOTT && i feel like i've accomplished something splendid by participating in that contest. Angela && Vanessa are straight bosses, which inspires meeee :) i can't do anythiing but respect a girl who knows how to make moneyyy $$$ um but as yuu can see in tha picture to tha left; my shoesss are pretty ;) they're purple, black, && lime green high tops; AND NO I AM NOT LICKING THE BOTTOM OF A PAIR OF SHOES, it just appears that wayyy* but if yuu would like to participate in a pastry contest, or even buy yourself a pair, go to RIGHT NOW && cop yuu some; I'm not tha chick who wears sneakers alot, because i'm very very girly... but it's nice that Vanessa and Angie decided to make some girly sneakersss! Until Next Time <333